It is easiest if the weather is not so brutally hot, or so cold.... They arrived almost 2 weeks ago.
I got layers and meat chickens, I am brooding them together for now, soon I will separate them out,
but not yet.
When they first arrive they're so cute! little balls of peeping fluff, they stay that way for about 4 days, then they become less adorable, they're such stinkers!
I started them all in one cage, but they quickly outgrew it. Next I moved them into 2 cages side by side, which lasted 2 days... they needed a permanent home!
I had to be creative.
Awhile back I had acquired a large dog cage, it was in a fenced area we had used as a chicken pen
The cage was shelter but not enough...
Chicks do need to be kept warm and dry, I needed to figure something out.
I took some empty feed bags and cut them open.
I put one end of the opened feed bags under the piece of plywood that was serving as the roof for the dog cage.
I secured it with wire attached to the cage.
Then I laid down another empty bag inside the cage and covered it with hay for comfort.
I made a hook out of wire and hung a heat lamp from it.
Finally I put in their food in a large container that the chicks won't be able to get into and soil ( nice word)
Water for the babes...
They love it!